Pre-owned Machines

TMG specializes in pre-owned CNC machines.  Our service experience and our decommissioning skills help us spot opportunities to place used equipment on your production floor.  We are experts in our ability to support the pre-owned CNC machines we sell with our wide range of service including start-up, service, solution integration, and financing.


Brand: DMG
Type: DMU 80T
Age: 2005
Condition: Good


2005 DMG DMU 80T


34.64″ =X

24.80″ =Y

24.80″ =Z

CT-40 Spindle

Heidenhain MillPlus control


CSIP Hauser Jig Bore Mill

Brand: CSIP
Type: Jig Bore
Age: 0
Condition: Good


CSIP Hauser Jig Bore machine:

Retro fitted with Fanuc GE 16i-M Control

Clean well taken care of machine


1999 Mitsui Seiki HU-50A 5 axis HMC

Brand: Mitsui Seiki
Age: 1999
Condition: Good


1999 Mitsui Seiki HU-50A 5 axis HMC
Horizontal machining center MITSUI SEIKI mod. HU 50 A

CNC Fanuc 150M

Table size 500 x 500 mm
Longitudinal travel 650 mm
Cross travel 720 mm
Vertical travel 700 mm
Table rotary 360,000 positions
Spindle motor power 30 kW
Spindle taper CT 40
Spindle speed – rev / 1 – 12000
spindle speed ranges 2 Electr.
feed rate 0.1 to 20000 mm / min
rapid traverse speed 36000 mm / min
Tool magazine 120
Year Built 1999
Weight 12000 kg
Height 2930 mm
Width 2600 mm
Depth 4690 mm


  • spindle cooling high-pressure 30 bar
  • chip conveyor
  • tool setting probe and Spindle Probe


1998 Hitachi HiTec 20J

Brand: Hitachi Seiki
Age: 1998


1998 Hitachi HiTec 20J
Seicos J Multi Control Yansac J300LB
8” Chuck
12 Station Turret
2” Bar
18” Swing
5000 RPM

Being the best at new equipment sales is not enough at TMG. Years of experience has helped us develop an effective system for buying, refurbishing and selling pre-owned machinery. The ability to offer refurbished equipment strengthens our client relationships in that they know that we are able to offer a complete array of machining solutions for their manufacturing needs. We are able to offer high values for trade-in equipment due to our large customer base and our ability to do the repairs and refurbishing ourselves.